Lesley-Ann Lyons


Lesley-Ann Lyons


Lesley Ann is a highly skilled veterinary nurse who qualified in 1993. She has a vast range of experience and expertise in all areas of veterinary medicine, and is passionate about delivering gold standard patient care.

As well as her nursing experience she spent some time working for a leading pet nutrition company which has given her superior knowledge of diets and prescription foods.  She runs regular nurse clinics and is particularly skilled at running weight clinics for cats and dogs who have enjoyed a little too much of the good life!

Lesley-Ann has hand reared many puppies and kittens so she is very knowledgeable on their care.  She also puts a lot of effort into finding stray, abandoned and injured pets new homes.

She is married with 2 sons who keep her busy in her spare time, not to mention her large collection of cats, dogs and chickens at home.

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