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Vaccines provoke the body to produce protective antibodies against diseases. Over time the number of antibodies wanes to a level that will not protect your pet from disease.  Repeating the vaccine at an appropriate interval (annually for some diseases, every 3 years for others) stimulates the body to produce more antibodies so that they stay at a level that can protect you pet.

We recommend you use flea preventative treatments regularly so that your pet does not become infested by fleas.  Not only would this be unpleasant for your pet but 95% of the fleas would be in your pet’s environment rather than on the pet itself so you would have to treat your house, car etc to get rid of the fleas incurring more work, time and expense.

Worm treatments are protective for your pet and for people.  From your pet’s perspective regular treatment will prevent a potentially life-threatening lungworm infestation.   Pets also carry Toxocara sp. worms which can infect humans and have the capacity to cause blindness. They have also been linked to epilepsy and dementia.  Administering a worming treatment monthly will stop your pet shedding these worms and their eggs.

If your dog swims it is preferable to use oral treatments as opposed to spot-on treatments because the latter could be washed off making it ineffective and non-protective for your pet as well as killing flora and fauna in waterways.

There are many different foods available to buy and which one is appropriate for you pet will vary depending on their breed, weight, activity level, health conditions and if they are neutered.  For a personal recommendation please contact us to make an appointment with our registered veterinary nurse.

Wait 2 months after your dog’s season ends before having them neutered.

If you have your female dog spayed before their 2nd season you will reduce the risk of them developing mammary cancer in later life by over 90%.  You will also prevent them developing a pyometra, this is a common condition in middle-old aged bitches.  It is when the uterus fills with pus after a season, it can cause septicaemia and multi-organ failure.  The treatment is to neuter/spay your dog but it is a more complex, higher risk surgery and general anaesthetic than it would have been when they were young and healthy.

Male dogs are less likely to stray if they are neutered.  They are also much less likely to develop an enlarged prostate gland in later life (a very common problem in older dogs); this could cause difficulties toileting.  If this did happen your dog  may have to have regular injections or be neutered to reduce the levels of the hormones that are causing the enlargement.

The correct time to have your dog neutered will vary depending on their size, breed and demeanour.  Please come to see us, ring or email us and we will be happy to advise you.

You know your pet better than anyone so you are best placed to judge their quality of life.

Bear in mind that your pet values quality of life more than quantity.  They do not have the same perception of time as us.  The most important thing to them is that the good days, when they can behave normally and do the things they like to do, outnumber the bad days.

If you are considering having your pet put to sleep we are happy to listen and discuss your thoughts.  We can also talk to you about the process of putting your pet to sleep and the options for care of your pet’s body.

We want to support you through this process.  If you would prefer your pet to be put to sleep as home we will do our best to do this for you. 

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